
Integrations can create custom blocks for documents. Blocks are small unit of content in a page document (like a paragraph, table, embed, etc.).

Define a custom block

Custom blocks are defined in the integration's manifest file:

  - id: helloworld
    title: Hello World

All blocks defined in an installed integrations will be listed in the insertion palette for all editors of the space.

Execution flow for a block

Rendering of custom blocks is controlled in the integration's code and executed in the GitBook backend.

    actor User
    User ->>+ GitBook: Insert block in the editor
    loop Every interaction with the block
        GitBook ->>+ Integration: Execute rendering of the block with current props & state
        Integration ->>- GitBook: Return ContentKit output for the block
        GitBook ->>- User: Render UI in the editor
        User -->+ GitBook: Interact with the block, updating the state or props

Render a basic block

Block are being rendered in the ContentKit format.

import { createComponent, createIntegration } from '@gitbook/runtime';

const helloWorld = createComponent({
  componentId: 'helloworld',
  async render() {
    return (
          <text>Hello world</text>

export default createIntegration({
  components: [helloWorld]

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